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This blog mainly created for the teachers. It guides to teachers to learn and teach with scientific methods.

Science and Technology

Scirus - speciality search engine for scientific literature.  science & Technology News Network - science news & in-depth articles on general science.  UNESCO/ICSU Conference on Science - official World Conference on Science Web site.  astrobiology at NASA - searching for the origins, distribution & future of life in the universe.  Eurekaalert - recent postings by research institutions & scientific organizations.  science Magazine - highly respected scientific journal.  science Daily - breaking news & the latest in scientific research. Nature - international weekly journal of science   How Things Work - useful science site built around intriguing questions.  Popular Science - fuel for the curious mind.  Scientific American - science news, resources & reviews.  New Scientist - good quality science news, articles & reports.  NICEM - national information center for educational & training media - films, audio, DVD, kits & more.   closer To Truth - wonderful minds deliberating the deeper issues of life & our times.   beyond 200O - window on the future.   Great thinkers and Visionaries - big bunch of troublemakers.  K2K - explore the amazing world of "mysterious mutli-flavored neutrinos" at the Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment.  neurosciencs institute - shedding light on the most complex "self organizing" system in the known universe - your brain. physics Web - latest physics news & information.   technology Review - MIT's magazine of innovation.  mad Scientist Network - get your questions answered by the collective cranium of a bunch of mad scientists, run some crazy experiments or browse the collection of oddities.  the Why Files - learn the science behind the news.   AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science.  discover online - rich site full of news & articles about human behavior, history, planet earth, space, tech issues & much more.  smithsonian Magazine - read the magazine, explore art, science & history - vsee the image gallery & visit the kid's castle.  discover Magazine - science news, web picks, feature stories & NeuroQuest mini lessons on how the mind & brain work.   the invention dimension - MIT's invention resources include The Inventor's Handbook, video library, Inventor of the Week, awards program & a tons of toys for gadget fanatics.  science museum - rich entertaining & educational exhibits from the London Science Museum.  Exploratorium - museum of science, art & human perception. try science - fun science experiments for kids, in six languages.  public library of science - promoting free access to the world's scientific & medical literature